What a wonderful week at National Finals!
August 1, 2022
Our students sang like stars and danced their hearts out and we could not be prouder of them! They have worked so hard over the last year and they stayed dedicated to their training and resilient in the pandemic. Thank you also to our parents for all their commitment to supporting their amazing, talented children in classes, rehearsals, Festival heats , Regional Finals and of course this week at Finals! Another thank you also goes to choreographers Miss Kelly and Miss Lynsey for their hard work creating the routines! We were thrilled to get 13 entries (12 competed) through to National Finals and we were awarded 5 medals!! 3 x and 2 x
Oliver Gordon-Song and Dance Solo-
Daniel Lee and Oliver Gordon- Song and Dance Duet-
Junior Song and Dance Group- ‘Clouds’-
Amelia Driver, Tom Walsh and Oliver Gordon- Junior Song and Dance Trio-
Freya Gordon – D Song and Dance Solo-
A huge thank you to the AED commitee and staff and all the adjudicators for such a wonderful week! It has been such a smooth running event with such support and encouragement for everyone taking part. Here’s to the new season and new routines!! More exciting times ahead.