Over 40 Distinctions ISTD Exams
Huge congrats to all our students who entered their ISTD Ballet, Tap and Modern Exams at the end of the …
Huge congrats to all our students who entered their ISTD Ballet, Tap and Modern Exams at the end of the …
A wicked time was had by our ‘Descendants’ workshop participants, learning songs and dances from all 3 films – as …
Well done to all our students who entered Remote ISTD Ballet exams last weekend. Students aged 6 up to 15 …
Double congratulations to student Daniel, who has been filming for an exciting professional project over the last two weeks. He …
We could not be prouder of our students who took their ISTD exams this weekend. Just look at those smiles!
The BSPA ‘Street Dudes’ from our ‘Boys only Street Dance’ class had great fun on a photo shoot! Don’t forget …
End of the exam practice for our Grade 4 Ballet students – making sure the reverence has precision too!
Huge congrats to student, Tom who was recalled for the role of Michael Banks in the West End musical, Mary …
Well done to our students, Freya, Ella, Emma and Aiden, who entered their ISTD Intermediate Modern Exam. We are really …
Huge congrats to student Oliver G, who made his West End debut yesterday. We are so proud of him!