Luton Festival of Dance 2022
March 21, 2022
What a great few weekends at Luton Festival of Dance.
Our students have made us very proud with all they have achieved. All of our students have worked extremely hard to achieve their best. They all shone brightly on stage in every single performance. Thank you to all our parents for your endless support and of course for all the help with the props (we love a prop!). Thank you to the entire team at the Luton Festival of Dance. The whole event was run professionally, with encouragement and kindness.
Thank you to Adjudicator Carrie Ellis for all her positive words for our dances. We were invited to dance in the Gala with Skid Row, our Inter Song and Dance Troupe and Freya Gordon with her Modern Solo.
Lastly we were amazed to receive 7 Trophies!!
Trophies won
Junior Stage Group
Inter Stage Group
Inter Modern Cup – Freya Gordon
Pre Junior Song and Dance Solo – Violett Stringer
Inter Classical Aggregate – Freya Gordon
Inter Stage Aggregate – Freya Gordon
Highest Aggregate over 5 dances – Freya Gordon